A wine cellar custom built according to your wishes. The wine racks from the PROVINALIA series are perfect for furnishing your wine cellar in the wink of an eye. All modules are delivered fully assembled, only need to pack them out and arrange as needed.
This system is specially suitable for businesses in the wine retail branch where wines need to be displayed elegantly yet in a practical manner. In the gastronomy business a professional but comfortable atmosphere is accomplished with the implementation of this modular system.
Labels are visible and bottles easy to reach, this wine rack is simply ideal for wine enthusiasts. All 11 modules in the PROVINALIA series are combinable.
Breathtaking wine display. Also living areas can be furnished with this versatile wine rack system. The solid constructed, stable wine rack modules are made of massive pinewood and coated with varnish which provides lasting color and protection. PROVINALIA module 11 offers enough storage places for up to 156 wine bottles, is perfect for displaying your favorite drops on 4 different levels.